Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Random Notes

We all know that that no agency,organization or establishment can create a genuine writer or artist.Then why don't we take a negative stand towards the camps,workshops discussions and the like conducted by the Sahitya Academy ,university departments or some socities or groups.There is every possibility for a healthy diffusion of ideas and fresh enquiries to take place in such places which may help writers,artists ,readers and viewers to continue their work with a new vigour.Nothing happens in the barrenness of mere repetitions.Our ideas and notions should be repeatedly challenged and we should be forced to redefine and reconstruct our inner world frquently. But usually what happens in the University seminars and other formal discussions?Our so called scholars present their papers with a vulgar self confidence and arrogance which they hope will cover their gross inability to produce even a sigle fresh idea or thought of their own.The net result of such seminars is a heap of dead words and lifeless arguments.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Shadow Play

No one has the right to instruct poets on matters of content or style. One writes poetry only because some incident or experience temts or compels him/her to choose the medium of poetry for expression.On the other hand when poetry becomes a slave to familiar , predictable stylisations it generates only boredom.If poets indulge in the exercise of writing poetry keeping in mind certain predtermined notions about the content fit for poetry and if they are led by considerations of eternal value and beauty it looses the enrgy, vigour and beauty of genuine writing and the result is a tiresome shadow play.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Using all the swear words I know,I wrote an anonymous letter to Aravindan.All the sins he committed were listed in chronological order.Four days later,I got an anonymous letter,which said: “Dont worry,what you did is not that sinful.” (Trans:Fathima Mayan)