Random notes
I entered the ‘computer age’ before 6 years.But so far my usage of this wonderful instrument hasn’t gone beyond micrsoft word and intrnet explorer.Even then when I look back I feel that it has given something in the way of energizing the writer in me mainly because of the easiness that I experience in the process of writing with the help of a computer.My handwriting is very bad and unless I rewrite several times most of what I write will remain unreadable for others.I myself may find it difficult to read if I come acroos a manuscript that has remained out of sight for a week or so.The computer key board and the options for editing and saving have been of immense help for me.This ofcourse is only a personal gain.What exactly is in my opinion the social impact of computer?Definitely, this great scientific invention has freed the human race from tens of thousands of boring unnecessary repititions.It has helped us to save time and energy in different areas of labour.But I feel the the greatest contribution of computer is that it has liberated crores of people all over the world from the fear or lack of confidence in expressing oneself through writing.Though a serious reader may feel a vast majority of the blog writing silly and boring the thirst for creative expression and communication that is fullfilled through any blog is simply great.In future writings in the cyber space will definitely be considered a very interesting and inspiring area of creative expression.
Sir, it is interesting to read how computers liberated you from the boredom of writing and rewriting. We would also like to know how this machine effected changes, if any, in your literary life.