In Kerala politics has become something like a drama with a message which is not a message at all. Chief Minister V.S.Achyudananadan is the only character in it capable of arousing interest and enthusiasm among the people.All other leaders of both the U.D.F and L.D.F have lost their credibility.They all miserably failed in attracting crowds in the recent Assembly election Campaign.Even Mr.A.K.Antony whom the U.D.F confided the strenuous job of detaining the V.S wave cut a sorry figure. What in fact do the youngsters for whom V.S has become an emotion expect from this strong old man?I think for them he is a replica of those brave invincible heroes who single-handedly fight ten or fifteen villains and make them flee for life in the big screen.Not only the youngsters but the common people as a whole believe that V.S. would be able to put all those embodiments of corruption and arrogance known as political leaders behind the bars,if once again he is given the chief ministership.
People take no serious interest in political philosophy of the parties and their election manifestos.They know that corruption is rampant among the leaders and they want to see they are punished for looting the public money.They have the strong conviction that except V.S there is none in the political scenario of the state to wage a war against corruption.Their political knowledge and interest end there.It shows that politics is loosing it’s grip over the society.It is loosing it’s meaning.Ultimately it is becoming a big show in which reality is replaced by virtual reality.
One can say that in Kerala finally politics also has become postmodern.
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